Concours abonnement infolettre

Equator offre un abonnement de café pendant 3 mois à UNE personne chanceuse inscrite à notre infolettre! Il faut simplement être inscrit à notre infolettre pour gagner. Déjà inscrit? Super! Votre nom est dans le chapeau pour le tirage. Ce concours s'adresse à toute personne résidant au Canada et ayant une adresse courriel valide.
Pour gagner:
Inscrivez-vous à nos infolettres ici ou voir notre site à
Ouvert entre le 8 juillet 2021 au 22 juillet 2021.
Toute personne résidant au Canada peut s'inscrire.
Nous contacterons la personne gagnante par courriel à l'adresse fournie lors de l'inscription à l'infolettre.
Prix: abonnement de café pendant 3 mois (valeur de 90$). Vous recevrez le choix d'un parmi deux mélanges signature par mois pendant trois mois. Livré à votre porte!
Achat non requis.
Equator - General Contest Rules
- Equator Coffee Roasters reserves the right to determine when a contest starts and when it closes to entries. When possible, Equator Coffee Roasters will give notice of the approximate duration of a contest when it is announced and/or when it starts.
- The contest is open to residents of Canada only and prizes will not be shipped outside of Canada.
- Unless otherwise specified, all contests and promotions are open to all ages. If the winner is under 18, Equator Coffee Roasters may require that a permission form be signed by a legal guardian in order to receive the prize.
- Equator Coffee Roasters contests which are run through social media networks, including Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram may be advertised only through the specific social media channel(s) being used; the only way to enter the promos/contest is through the specific social media channel(s) being used.
- The Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
- To enter the contest, entrants are required to have a valid email address and, as applicable, a Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter account. An account can be created for free at, and/or
- Entries into any promo/contest run on social media networks must be publicly visible to be eligible.
- The entrant into any contest/promo conducted through social media will be only the individual person who submitted the entry from his/her account on that social media platform.
- Equator Coffee Roasters reserves the right to limit the number of entries from an individual person into a contest or promotion.
- Prizes won in any Equator Coffee Roasters promo/contest have no cash value and must be accepted as presented and may not be returned for cash or exchanged.
- For each Contest, potential winners will be selected at random from all eligible Entries received during the Contest Period.
- Equator Coffee Roasters reserves the right, at Equator Coffee Roasters sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest, in whole or in part, without notice or obligation.